5 Water Sports in Arambol Beach
Arambol Beach is located at the North end. Arambol Beach is connected to Querim Beach and Ashwem Beach. Arambol is a beautiful and less crowded beach. People are searching for Water sports at Morjim or Water Sports at Ashwem can do Water Sports here. It is the nearest point for Water Sports in the North End. Water Sports are available at Querim and it is also nearest to Mandrem also.
Querim Beach
- You have to reach a given Destination
- Confirm Your Booking with Operator
- Water Sports only
- Jetski
- Bumper Ride
- Banana Ride
- Boat ride towards Parasailing Boat
- Parasailing
- Each Water sports are for 1-2 minutes
- Cancellation or rescheduling is not allowed within 12 hours of journey time.
- 50% of payments will be deducted if the confirmed ticket is canceled.
- In-case of Bus AC failure, Rs.50 will be returned back through bank transfer only.
- Full refund in-case of Bus breakdown or cancellation of bus due to unavoidable circumstances
- Refund if any will be processed in your account in 7 working days.
- No Transportation
- Swimwear will not provide by us
- Sometimes there is a crowd so you have to wait for your turn
- Activities must be canceled if the weather is not good
- Pregnant Woman, Asthma Patient, Hear Patient, Problem with Heart, back, neck and knee can’t do these activities